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v5i1.96 | Volume 5 | Number 1 | May 2013 | Taprobanica
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Volume 5 | Number 1 | May 2013 v5i1.96 taprobanica 5 1 cover page


Volume 5 | Number 1 | May 2013
Short Note
ISSN: 1800-427X (print)
eISSN: 1800-427X (online)

Submitted date: 27 March 2013
Accepted date: 22 April 2013
Published date: 15 June 2013
Pp. 75–76.

First record of a cerambycid beetle (Purpuricenus temminckii) from India

H.V. Ghate* & B. Mitra
*Corresponding author. E-mail: hemantghate@gmail.com

While documenting cerambycid beetles collected by ZSI during routine surveys of Arunachal Pradesh, India, we came across an interesting specimen of the genus Purpuricenus Dejean, 1821. Generic characters of this beetle were confirmed to be of Purpuricenus using Gahan (1906) but the characters did not match with any species described therein. However, it matched closely with Purpuricenus sinensis described very briefly in Latin and English by White (1835). It was then compared with the pictures, presented as a photo gallery of the genus Purpuricenus, prepared by Denis Kasatkin (http://www.zin.ru) and also many other images from a recent paper (Danilevsky 2012) as well as with comments in MacRae (2000) and identified as Purpuricenus temminckii Guérin–Méneville. Purpuricenus sinensis is, in fact, now a synonym of P. temminckii and is treated as a subspecies Purpuricenus temminckii sinensis White which is distributed in many parts of China, Taiwan and Laos.

Section Editor: Eduard Vives
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